Eating well doesn’t have to be hard.
I’m a food creative for whole foods and my goal is to help people with autoimmune issues eat well and live well.
Food Creative:
food cre·a·tive | \ˈfüd krē-ˈā-tiv\
1) an innovator of foods and flavors 2) an individual marked by their ability to ideate and bring about new flavorful food combinations 3) a food artist
I am a cat loving food enthusiast who hails from the great state of Texas (I am a shameless Texan). I grew up with a spatula in one hand and a paintbrush in the other. I love bold flavors, bold colors, bold ideas, and bold dreams. I believe life is most beautiful taken head first, boldly. I am a firm believer that food is an art form. I love taking traditional favorites and turning them into healthy alternatives. My favorite thing to do is create good food, make beautiful spaces, and invite people to be a part of it. My mission is to share anti-inflammatory foods that are easy, healthy, and delicious.

Did you know, you can find freedom in
the food you eat?
We live in a mono food culture that lacks healthy variety. Eating in a way that promotes wellness and decreases autoimmune symptoms– inflammation, fatigue, brain fog, and so many other issues– doesn’t have to feel impossible. You don’t have to live life feeling crippled by your condition, but empowered by your decision to live well and eat well. Whether you have a food intolerance, are fighting an autoimmune disease, or are seeking a healthier lifestyle, you are in the right place. Sustaining a nourishing lifestyle isn’t just possible but achievable. You don’t have to feel nervous or overwhelmed when it comes to food. I want to help you live life boldly.
My journey to holistic healing
I’ve been battling health issues since I was 15 years old, but no one could ever tell me what was wrong. I had a weak immune system, I had high blood sugar, I had iron deficiencies, my body couldn’t absorb protein, and the list goes on. I took different supplements, tried different diets, but It was always overwhelming. I was tired of feeling trapped and guilty about what I put in my body, and with my “phantom” disease I quickly lost motivation to continue my health “routines.”
But the problems persisted. Pretending it wasn’t there didn’t fix it. When I was 20 I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, an autoimmune issue where your body attacks your thyroid, and everything began to make sense- the fatigue, hair loss, mood swings, weight gain/loss. Everything. Learning my diagnosis was both empowering and overwhelming. Empowering because I finally had a name to the issue I had been fighting for so many years, but overwhelming because I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I could start medication and rely on that for the rest of my life or with my medication I could reform my diet and try to heal my body from the inside out. But with the AIP diet, I didn’t know what to eat anymore. Water? Broccoli? Was anything safe anymore?
I was thrown back to feeling restricted and fearful of food. But I loved food. So I wasn’t going to resign myself to broccoli and water. This time I decided to be bold– my health was worth it.
Sonora in bold
I wasn’t going to be afraid of food anymore. And what I thought was a death sentence to every food I ever loved became the catalyst that moved me to try new things and explore new foods and food cultures I never knew existed.
I decided to try the Autoimmune Protocol, but it wasn’t easy. Learning the AIP diet has taken time, patience, and effort. I went from knowing how to bake and cook back to square one. I was left feeling like I couldn’t make anything, and I had SO many AIP cooking disasters (anyone else?). I tried a lot of recipes that tasted bland, and the recipes that did work always seemed to have expensive ingredients or lots of complicated steps.
It was exhausting.
But as a devout foodie, I wasn’t going to give up. I was going to figure out how to make delicious food that was affordable and sustainable. After trying tons of different recipes, I realized AIP doesn’t have to be bland, overwhelming, or expensive. AIP doesn’t have to be hard.
So, that’s what I am here to help you with. Because let’s face it, life is too short to eat bland food or be afraid of what you put in your body. It’s time to let go of your fear of food, and live empowered by your decision. It’s time to live life boldly.

Wow, you seem so cool! Tell me more!
I currently live in Gracias, Honduras with my red-headed husband, Micah, and our cat named Amarillo (like Amarillo by Morning, you know the song?). Micah and I work with a missions organization here. Micah’s a coffee farming cowboy and I teach English at a bilingual school. I love all things clean living and finding ways to make our lifestyle more sustainable. I love baking and cooking but lets be real, its only because I LOVE to eat. I have a stick and rock collection, and pick flowers from the side of the road. If I’m not making food (or eating), I’m probably doing yoga, working on my next home improvement project, or planting pineapples (I pretty much have a small pineapple farm in the backyard).
But Enough about me, I want to know you!
Thanks for taking the time to get to know me, I want to know you and serve you better. If there are things on the blog you love and want to see more of, let me know! If there are questions you have about recipes, ask them! If you just want to know more about my AIP journey feel free to send me a message. You can ask your questions here or connect with me on the gram.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you around.