Disclaimer Information

Sonorainbold.com is a website that was created for sharing general information and ideas. It was not intended to be taken as medical advice and should not be used in the place of seeking  professional medical advice in any circumstance. 

This disclaimer guides our business and by using and visiting this website you are consenting to this disclaimer and all other policies which govern this website. Your continued use of this website and its products is a sign of your agreement to our policy. If you do not wish to be bound by this disclaimer or do not agree with the policies we ask that you cease accessing  sonorainbold.com and/or using their services and products.

Nutritional and medical disclaimer

Sonora Lindsey Moreno is not a medical professional and does not represent herself as a dietician, physician, or other healthcare provider. The information on this blog is not supposed to be received as advice from a medical professional or used in place of professional medical care or prescription medication. 

This is intended to be general information and education. We do not claim that all information shared on this website is without error or omission. The information presented on this website is not intended to treat, diagnose, medicate, or cure and cure any diseases or illnesses. 

We strive to provide accurate and knowledgeable ideas and advice but this information should never be taken in place of advice of a health professional. Do not disregard statements from health professionals due to the content of our website. Always talk with a doctor about your medical issues and ailments for treatment and advice.

Anytime you make a significant change in your diet or lifestyle, Make sure to consult a doctor, physician, or licensed dietitian about your specific health needs and to ensure that there will be no adverse health effects due to the said changes. 

Affiliate and third party link disclaimer

We may participate in affiliate programs to promote products in exchange for commission or other compensations when items are bought through the link provided in the website. These commissions will be given to us at no extra cost for you.

At times we may promote third party products or services on our website. We do not claim that all things these services say or disclose are true but are basing the promotion on our own personal experience of the product or service. It is up to the discretion of the user to consult the right professionals and do the correct research to make sure the product or service is right for them. 

The promotion or inclusion of third party and affiliate links on our blog does not harm the integrity of the content on our blog. We are committed to only promoting products we believe work. 

While we provide links for your convenience to third party content you are under no obligation to use them or follow them. As we have no control over third party websites, Sonora in Bold cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the content of a third party service or product. 

Limitation of liability

By using this website you agree that no owner, employee, or shareholder of Sonora in Bold is liable or responsible for any loss or damages including but not limited to any direct, indirect, or accidental loss or damages that come as a result of using the website, products, or services.